Join Us!

All the forms you need to take out SPELD NZ membership can be downloaded below. You can send them to us either by email or post.

You are most welcome to call or email us if you need anything clarified or would like to have these forms emailed or posted to you.

See our Contact details

See your SPELD NZ region

Friend Membership

If you do not need assessment or tuition but would like to stay in touch and support us, you can join SPELD NZ as a “Friend” for $40 per annum.  Friend members receive our Record magazine several times a year, free access to our resource libraries and can attend our courses and conferences at a discounted rate.  The $40 payment is considered a donation and is tax deductible.

After you have emailed your forms to us, if have not received a response within 7 days, please give us a call 0800 773 536.