What does a SPELD NZ assessment diagnose?
If you have serious concerns about your child’s learning abilities, the first vital step is a full diagnostic assessment. Once we’ve received your SPELD NZ membership fee and enrolment forms, we can refer you to one of our SPELD NZ Assessors.
We use the internationally recognised Woodcock-Johnson assessment. This can take up to four hours and is often split into two sessions. It identifies intellectual and educational strengths and weaknesses, and evaluates the skills involved in effective learning, such as:
- Language and auditory skills
- Visual skills and spatial awareness
- Speed of processing
- Short and long term memory
- Reading, spelling and mathematics
- Handwriting
- Co-ordination and organisation
- Attention, concentration and academic fluency
The report is written for both parents and professionals so it includes some technical language. However a clear summary is included and your SPELD NZ Assessor will be happy to answer any questions.
The assessment report will also help educational professionals working with you/your child to target the areas of weakness. It may also help your child access Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) in NCEA and Cambridge exams.
Please note: While the assessment does not diagnose behavioural conditions such as ADHD or ADD or Spectrum Disorders, assessors may note indications of these.