A SPELD NZ diagnostic assessment is the first essential step in finding out why someone is having learning problems. Our qualified Assessors are meticulously trained to provide a detailed overview of learning and intellectual skills, strengths and weaknesses.
Read more about how SPELD NZ Assessors are trained here. Once they have successfully completed SPELD NZ training, our Assessors are recognised by the New Zealand Council of Educational Research.
SPELD NZ Assessors know how to put children (and adults) at ease:
“He came away bouncing about on cloud 9!! You made him feel super-intelligent, amazingly clever and totally at peace with what this meant for him. Our hearts are grateful to you.”
Mike Sleeman describes what’s involved with a SPELD NZ assessment.
Using the Woodcock-Johnson test batteries, SPELD NZ Assessors evaluate the skills involved in effective learning such as:
- Language and auditory skills
- Visual skills and spatial awareness
- Speed of processing
- Short and long term memory
- Reading, spelling and mathematics
- Handwriting
- Attention, concentration and academic fluency
Go to this page on our website to get an assessment underway.
Here's how it works
- Our Assessors provide a written analysis of the results which includes clear recommendations for school and family.
- 2. The assessment report enables our teachers to provide a highly individualised learning programme for their students.
- 3. For students at high school level, this assessment can also provide the information required by NZQA for special conditions during NCEA and Cambridge exams. This might include having a reader-writer, a computer or more time during exams. Find out more about SAC (Special Assessment Conditions) here.
- 4. Something to consider after the assessment: If your child is NOT diagnosed with a specific learning disability then it is unlikely that one-on-one tuition will be recommended. Our registered SPELD NZ Teachers are in enormous demand and their specialty is working with students diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. (The students may have other challenges as well as these specific learning disabilities). However, the assessment will provide clear recommendations for home and for school, and if necessary any gaps in your child’s learning could be met with the help of a literacy or numeracy agency or group in your local community.