SPELD NZ Conference
12 & 13 April 2025
Ellerslie Event Centre

This is an outstanding professional development opportunity for all educators looking to upskill in evidence-based support for neurodiversity in its many forms.

Our internationally-renowned, in-person speakers will delve deeply into dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, executive function and the twice exceptional learner.

View the draft two-day programme here

Check out registration details and cost here

Our exciting lineup includes:

Dr Jennifer Buckingham – Education researcher, writer, speaker, and policy analyst

Dr Jennifer Buckingham is Executive Director, Policy and Evidence in the NSW Department of Education. She founded and until recently was Director of the Five from Five Project which has delivered free professional learning to thousands of teachers and has tens thousands of monthly visitors to its website and social media channels.  Prior to her current role, Jennifer was Director of Strategy and Senior Research Fellow at MultiLit – a leading provider of effective literacy instruction in Australasia.  Jennifer’s doctoral research was on effective literacy instruction for at-risk and struggling readers.  Jennifer has provided advice on policy and curriculum to federal and state governments and education agencies.  She regularly speaks at conferences and writes for academic publications. She co-edited and co-authored the book Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling, a prescribed or recommended text in teacher education courses in universities in Australia, Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Dr Nathaniel Swain – Teacher, instructional coach and writer

Nathaniel works as a Senior Lecturer in Learning Sciences at La Trobe University School of Education and SOLAR LAB in Australia. He also produces a blog for teachers called Dr Swain’s Cognitorium. Nathaniel has taught a range of learners in schools and universities, and founded a community of teachers committed to the Science of Learning:  Think Forward Educators – now 23,000 members and growing. Nathaniel is a sought after speaker on educational circuits, and has a new book entitled “Harnessing the Science of Learning: Success stories to help kickstart your school improvement”.

Esther White – Leading multi-sensory maths intervention specialist

In 2000, Esther founded Maths Australia with a vision of making maths available to every student, unhindered by a lack of confidence in numeracy. Since then, she has been immersed in teaching and training parents, tutors and teachers on how to bring the theory of research and evidence based pedagogies into their everyday practice. As Australia’s leader in Multi-Sensory Maths Training, she now provides educators with professional development within an effective framework, a proven system, hands-on teaching tools and a simple I-CRAVE* Math methodology for teaching an understanding of maths to both neurotypical and neurodiverse students. Esther’s passion is for every child to be empowered in life through a strong foundation in maths, surpassing the limited understanding of mathematics taught by outdated systems that teach mere memorisation of algorithms and formulae without engaging the student’s multi-sensory learning abilities.

Rhonda FilmerWriter, teacher and consultant

Rhonda worked as the Principal Consultant at Twice Exceptional Educational Consultancy and wrote the book Neurodiversity and the Twice-Exceptional Student.  Rhonda’s also been an executive function coach, supporting students with ADHD. Rhonda joined the SPELD New South Wales Board in 2014 and was voted to the position of Chair in 2018. Rhonda is an advocate for the early identification of students’ learning profiles and for the reform of teacher training so they know how to teach reading using evidence-based methods, have a better understanding of the developmental needs of students and can differentiate programmes to teach for those differences.

Guest speaker: Phil Parker

Writer and tour guide Phil Parker will talk about the terrors and triumphs of a lifetime with dyscalculia.

Enquiries from potential exhibitors welcome.  Here’s more information on our exhibitor packages.

Navigating Neurodiversity in Early Childhood
A SPELD NZ Recorded Online Webinar Plus Q & A
Ideal for Early Childhood Educators and New Entrant Teachers
Cost $50 (Including notes)

Research shows the earlier we identify and support children with dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities (SLD), the better the outcomes.  So what are the first signs and what can we do to help?  This is a very practical webinar which includes children demonstrating recommended activities.  It will help you:

  • Understand why children with dyslexia/SLD are increasingly falling through the cracks
  • Acquire expert guidance on early indicators of dyslexia/SLD
  • Discover evidence-based ways to boost oral language, phonological awareness and communication skills
  • Gain insights into activities hugely beneficial to early learning for children with dyslexia/SLD.

Registrations are essential, via this link.  All are welcome.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact nationaloffice@speld.org.nz 

Navigating Neurodiversity at Secondary School
A SPELD NZ Recorded Online Webinar Plus Q & A for Families

SPELD NZ-trained teacher and Literacy Coordinator at Hutt Valley High School, Jamie Casley,  shares her advice and expertise on:

  • Transitioning to secondary school
  • Communicating with classroom teachers and learning support staff
  • Navigating workload and stress
  • Building resilience
  • Classroom accommodations
  • Making the most of assistive technology and A.I.
  • Special Assessment Conditions
  • Changes to NCEA
  • Understanding Literacy & Numeracy Co-Requisite Tests
  • And much more….

This webinar was held 12 August 2024 and had outstanding feedback from those who attended.  It was recorded and is now available to view.

Cost:  $15 SPELD NZ Members $30 non SPELD NZ Members.  This includes detailed notes.

Registrations are essential, via this link.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact nationaloffice@speld.org.nz 

Via Zoom
1pm – Saturday 2 November 2024

Thank you to everyone who attending our 2024 AGM and contributed to the governance of SPELD NZ.

Here are some key AGM documents:

The next AGM will be held by Zoom in Term 4, 2025 – date to be advised.

Top 10 things families can do at home to support their child’s literacy and numeracy
A free webinar for SPELD NZ family members
7pm – 7 November 2023

A wonderful opportunity to watch SPELD NZ Teacher Serena Driver demonstrating simple materials you can use from home to help with literacy and numeracy. She’ll also talk about excellent free online resources, decodable books and dyslexia-friendly literature. Serena will also be available to answer any questions you may have.

All SPELD NZ family members have been emailed a registration link.
NB:  If you miss this webinar, please contact us for a link to the recording nationaloffice@speld.org.nz 

Moving On
with Bayley Garnham & Family
A free webinar for SPELD NZ members
7.30pm – Wednesday 7 June 2023

Back by popular demand!  Hear how Bailey managed to overcome the challenges of dyspraxia and dysgraphia:  What worked, what didn’t and how family is at the heart of his success.

Bayley and his parents and grandparents will share their inspiring stories and advice to other families and young people.

All SPELD NZ members have been emailed a registration link.
NB:  If you miss this  webinar, please contact us for a link to the recording nationaloffice@speld.org.nz 

Via Zoom
1pm – Saturday 19 August 2023

Many thanks to all SPELD NZ members who attended our 2023 AGM.

Here are the key AGM documents:

Support Webinar for SPELD NZ families

Following on from the support resources emailed to SPELD NZ families, we hosted a support webinar.  If you missed it, you’re welcome to contact nationaloffice@speld.org.nz for a link to the webinar recording.  NB:  This is for SPELD NZ members only.

The webinar is just over an hour long and is packed with great advice on topics such as:

  • Helping your child understand their struggles and feel empowered
  • Ways to support your child at home through the primary, intermediate and secondary school stages
  • How to use materials that can help your child with organisation e.g. planners, picture tables and post it notes
  • How to best advocate for your child at school.

SPELD NZ Teacher Serena Driver and SPELD NZ Executive Officer Jeremy also answer questions at the end.

We’ll let you know the date of our next webinar which is likely to be on resource recommendations.

Via Zoom
1pm – Saturday 24 September

Our thanks to all SPELD NZ members who attended.  Here are some of the key AGM documents:

Aidan’s Journey
A free webinar for SPELD NZ members
7pm – Tuesday 31 August 2021

(NB:  If you missed this webinar, contact us for a link to the recording (SPELD NZ members only):  nationaloffice@speld.org.nz

Hear Aidan Milner’s inspiring story on how he has managed to overcome the challenges of severe dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Labelled lazy by teachers, Aidan struggled through primary school. However, thanks to one-to-one lessons, some clever strategies, special accommodations and sheer grit, he thrived during his senior years at high school and at university. He now works as an engineering geologist – a feat he would never have thought possible. After Aidan has shared his story, there will be an opportunity to ask questions.
RSVP to nationaloffice@speld.org.nz

Thank you to all those who took part in SPELD NZ’s 2021 AGM.
Here are key papers from the meeting:

SPELD NZ 2020 AGM approved minutes
SPELD NZ audited financial statements for year ending 31 March 2021
SPELD NZ Annual Reports for year ending 31 March 2021
SPELD NZ 2021 Infographics
Life Members announced AGM 2021
SPELD NZ 2021 AGM draft minutes

Our next AGM will be held in 2022 via Zoom. We will soon let you know the date and time. All SPELD NZ members are welcome to attend.

We still have vacancies on the Board and PSC and are looking to second members until the next AGM. Please contact Executive Officer, Jeremy Drummond, if you would like to explore this option: eo@speld.org.nz or complete the nomination form.

Looking for information on SPELD NZ courses?  Head to our Training pages for details on our:

SPELD Conference 2019 - Lifting Literacy

Empowering neurodiverse learners

Auckland – 28 & 29 September

Our thanks to all those who took part, making this SPELD NZ’s most outstanding conference to date.  Our next conference will be in Auckland in 2022.  We’ll post details here as soon as they come to hand.

SPELD NZ Conference 2016



Our thanks to the wonderful lineup of guest speakers who took part in SPELD NZ’s 2016 conference in Wellington.

Download Judy Hornigold’s presentations – PPTX format

SPELD NZ 2016 Conference Photo Gallery