He aha te kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.
What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.

These stand-alone, evidence-based Kōwae ako involve approximately six hours of self-driven, online learning on a variety of topics.

  • Ideal for teacher aides, teachers, Learning Support Coordinators, SENCO, RTLB and all others seeking greater knowledge on individual topics;
  • Diverse presentation methods will demonstrate and invite reflection. Self-checking quizzes allow for progression throughout the Kōwae ako / Learning Capsule;
  • Work at your own pace, within a three-week time frame after your initial login;
  • A Kōwae ako Certificate will be issued on successful completion of each learning capsule;
  • See details of our first kōwae on phonemic and phonological awareness here.

For further information and enrolment inquiries, you are welcome to contact us here or call 028 2550 7415.

Kōwae ako / Learning Capsules
Phonemic & Phonological Awareness

Phonemic and Phonological Awareness

SPELD NZ offers this kōwae to contribute to the growing awareness of the need for beginning readers to develop phonological awareness. It is presented in 11 sections and is designed to provide background information about phonological awareness and to show how sounds are learned and used in the words of the English language.

Personal Stories

Find out how SPELD NZ has helped both children and adults overcome their struggles with dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities.

Rebel With a Cause

Meet Irene Fagan – one of our earliest teachers in the 1970s when dyslexia was virtually unheard of.

The Perfect Fit

Many parents of children struggling in the classroom consider homeschooling. It’s not for everyone, but it was the perfect fit for Holly Blair’s family.

What Dyslexia Taught Me

Christchurch IT product innovator Christian Sax describes his lifelong struggles with dyslexia and what he’s learned along the way.


The Paradox of Twice Exceptional

An Auckland mother, and SPELD NZ Teacher, shares the story of her twice-exceptional son.